how does a solid become a liquid and freezing essay

A solid becomes a liquid as temperature rises. As the temperature continues to rise the molecules in the object move faster, but each molecule is trapped by attractive forces from the molecules surrounding it. but when the temperature reaches 0 celsius the molecules break free and the other molecules cannot be hold in place.  the structure begin to colapse and the solid becomes a bunch of freely moving molecules. this means that the molecules have entered liquid state. the temperature that has been achieved is called MELTING POINT.


Have you ever made ice? well you have probably freeze something. the process of melting can be reversed, you know freezing or turning liquid to a solid.  as liquid cools the molecules slow down and attractive forces trap particles and crystals form. the temperature which occurs is FREEZING POINT. after all liquid is solid the temperature can continue to fall.

Viscosity is a materials resistance to flow. for a material such as glass, the liquid becomes more and more resistant to flow as the temperature decreases. this means it becomes thicker and more resistant to flow until brittle glass is formed. so glass has no definite freezing point it just gets harder as it gets cooler.


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